Project me this, project me that.
Having gotten most other stuff out of the way, I'm now working on a new short film. This thing is completely fueled by my latest onset of depression. I don't want to give you the impression that I sat at home in the dark, cutting myself and crying. If it ever came to that point I'd just kill myself and stop being such a whiny bitch.
Unlike anything I've done before this little spiel will not be a piece of strict genre convention but instead more tread along the lines of avant garde cinema. It's not going to be some pretentious piece of garbage without structure though. It will contain some form of story, or at least logic. That's my goal anyhow. It's going to be a musically driven piece of visual experimentation. Bear with me. I'll be back to making my ordinary stuff soon enough.
Listening to: Clutch - Shiny Cadillackiness
Watching: Battlestar Galactica
Reading: Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk