A booger of a thought.

Self-righteousness is a swelling and bloating feeling I'm sensing in this social body I occupy. It's pouring out of all corners and viciously attacking me from all angles imaginable. It's not just oozing out of the regular go-to-places from which I've come to except this vile sense of self. Instead of the figurative smelly armpits of this global community I'm catching a whiff coming from, I don't know, the ears or something. Can ears stink?

Christian people are easy targets these days. Especially in the secular haven of Scandinavia. I can literally (and hopefully)  go days without ever running into a person of the religious persuasion. What I cannot do however is avoid encountering the occasional smug cretin with their head lodged firmly and deeply up their own asshole. Oh, he may be a self-professed atheist, animal rights activist, fair trade-advocate. But he's still incapable of rational thought and introspection. For instance; You see - he's not an atheist because he's come to the rational conclusion of a well deliberated internal argument. He's a non-believer because he has been told that religious people are dumb and he's certainly not dumb. He's smart, his momma told him so, although all factual evidence points to the former.

So in a seriously convoluted way, the only "logical" path to take is that of atheism. Not agnosticism by the way, that's for pussies. The same goes for faux-vegans, who don't eat meat because people who do are immoral and inferior to them. Pseudo-eco warriors who only really care about the bike path outside their condo. Wannabe-feminists who join up because they hate men. Impostors shouting "support the troops!" while actively obstructing increased pay and benefits for service men/women.  Fake freedom of speech supporters who want to stop others from expressing offensive ideas. And anyone else who dons the mantel of righteousness to simply feel better about themselves.

You can only truly know something if you actually believe in it. Answering the question: "Why do you believe?" with something akin to: "'Cause!" or "It makes me feel good about myself." are not viable options bucko. Pointing fingers at people and proclaiming your superiority feels good sometimes. Damn good. Just remember to pull that sucker out of your nose first. It's flu season you know.

Jesus Camp

Jesus Camp is a documentary concerning religion, specifically Christianity. Not just any category; absolute, ape-shit crazy, radicalism. A strange fringe group, a small fraction of a wast religious whole, right? Or so one would think. I don't assume most people live their lives after an incredibly strict religious doctrine but a surprising amount of Americans believe in some pretty fucking stupid things. Having faith in God, or some other higher all-knowing creator is one thing. I happen not to share this belief and I'll challenge yours in a debate. But if you feel that way, fine. However, believing that angels fly around every day and stir shit up and help people is so dumb I think I lost a few clusters of neurons just thinking about it. Invisible supernatural beings are watching over you, in particular? That is the height of hubris. Not only that, but it shows what you must think of other people who get into bad shit. I guess that little girl who got leukemia didn't pray enough, tough luck bitch. That uncle you had who got cancer/heart disease/into a car crash and died? Yeah, God didn't love him anymore. If Jesus were real he'd be weeping. We obviously didn't get the message he was nailed to a tree for. More people in America believe in angels than evolution. Jesus Camp is a documentary so disturbing in its unrelenting exposition of crazy and warped religion I literally became scared. More so than any horror movies have made me in a long time. These people don't believe in evolution, sure, one would expect that. But global warming? Now they're just looking for some science to fuck with. What's next? Gravity? Jesus never really talks about it in the bible, it must be a abortionist-gaymaffia-scientist-liberal-Jesushating-communist conspiracy behind all of that. Designed to discredit Jesus' flying up into heaven at the end of the second act in the new testament. Isaac Newton should have been burned at the stake. Here's another thought for you, all Christians who renounce the theory of evolution shouldn't get vaccinations when the next influenza epidemic hits. And it will, sooner or later. I'm not talking about the ordinary "stay home from work a few days"-kind. I'm talking about the Spanish flu type, the one that turns your insides into liquid shit. If God changed the influenza strains just to mess with us, I'm sure he will protect those who pray hard enough.